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Various Video Clips

Liz McAlister speaks at 30th anniversary celebration of the Plowshares 8
September 5, 2010 - King of Prussia, PA

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they study for war any more. - Isaiah 2:4

"We struggle to do it, and to learn what that means.
Because this won't keep silent, it won't give us peace, it won't let us sleep.
More, it feeds our imaginations, it feeds our hopes.
It's a promise, and it's a promise that we're called to bet our lives on.
Many of us have done it, and I think we're called to keep on keeping on."

music video will be here

During the Walk to No War, which was organized by the Norfolk Catholic Worker, Veterans for Peace, and other Hampton Roads peace groups, people walked 53 miles in 8 days, and vigiled at 13 military sites. The walk included several children, and this music video was composed and filmed by Timmy and Annie Rider-O'Neill from Fr. Charlie Mulholland Catholic Worker in North Carolina.

frida's talk will be here

Frida Berrigan speaks at a Peace Action Luncheon in Maryland, May 30, 2009

Air Show video will be here

Oceana Air Show Witness--Southern Life Community

Faith and Resistance Retreat Walk To the Department of Energy -- Matthew Ochalek

Video short on compost toilet
Leaving less of a footprint on the earth

Tribute to Tom Lewis (watch in high quality)

Jonah House ABI 2006
Video by Justin Burt, April 30, 2006


Liz McAlister speaks at StratCom gate rally during 2008 GN conference.

My Father, The Activist. Frida Berrigan Speaks
Newsweek Video
Philip Berrigan Speaks
Video by William Hughes, August 31, 2006

Catonsville Nine Action
From: jakem0545 May 17, 2006

Street Theater at Bechtel video by William Hughes
Ardeth Platte Greets N-8 Missile Silo Protesters Ardeth Platte, Carol Gilbert, two of three Sacred Earth and Plowshares nuns who were arrested Oct. 6, 2002, greets protesters at the missile silo at the sixth anniversary, Sept. 27, 2008. video by Loren Wirbel

Sacred the Earth song at N-9 video by Loren Wirbel