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June 29, 2006
PO Box 649
Luck , WI 54853
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Weapon of Mass Destruction Here Plowshares
Given Federal Compaint


On June 20, 2006, a Roman Catholic priest and two veterans of military service went onto the E-9 missile silo in North Dakota .
Greg Boertje-Obed, Michael Walli and Carl Kabat, O.M.I.
- used hammers to disable the lock on the personnel entry hatch that provides access to the warhead;
- hammered on the silo lid that covers the 300 kiloton nuclear warhead that is targeted and ready to launch;
- painted "It's a sin to build a nuclear weapon" on the face of the 110-ton hardened silo cover and
- poured their blood on the missile lid.

Immediately upon arrest, the three were held on county charges. Today the Plowshares activists were given a Federal Compaint with two charges:
- 18 U.S. Code 1361 (Depredation of Government Property) and
- 18 U.S. Code 2155 (Sabotage).
Their next court date will be a bond hearing on July 5. They will appear before Federal Magistrate Judge Charles S. Miller at the Bismarck Federal Court, 220 E. Rosser Ave. , Bismarck , N.D.

If convicted on both charges, Carl, Mike and Greg face up to 30 years in prison.

“It is our faith to uphold God's laws, and our duty and responsibility to stop this government from threatening to use or using weapons of mass destruction. We call for the conversion of each and every weapon,” said Carl Kabat in a phone call from prison.

The resisters said in their statement: “We have chosen to start the process of transformation and disarmament by hammering on and pouring our blood on components of the Minuteman III nuclear missile system. We believe that the concrete that goes into making missile silos would be better used for building homes.”

The peace activists were moved from the County Jail in Washburn to Bismarck - proximate to the Federal District Court . It is most unlikely that any of the three would be willing or able to pay bond and be released.

They were moved again this past week more than 100 miles southwest of Bismarck. Their new address is
Southwest Multi-County Correctional Center
66 Museum Drive
Dickinson , ND 58502

Michele Naar-Obed wrote of that move:

It can be a somewhat difficult transition when one is moved to another jail.
They had developed a very good support system in Bismarck and were receiving regular visits and mail.
This new jail is about 100 miles west of Bismarck
making it very difficult or impossible for them to continue getting visits from their supporters.
It will be sometime before mail catches up with them as well.
Please send them a note and let them know they are not lost in the system.
They would greatly appreciate it.
I will continue to send out updates about the trial and festival of hope.
Likely, the trial date will change possibly taking place in early October.
The change is at the request of the Plowshares.
We may have a new date by the end of the week.
I'll be in touch.
Peace, Michele Naar-Obed